You want a happier, connected loving partnership with your mate.

For that to happen, you need to be clear about what’s at the heart of your relationship challenges.

And that clarity is so important for productive communication and the transformation of your relationship.

The good news is you don’t need years of therapy or couples seminars to create the happy, passionate, deeply fulfilling relationship you’ve been dreaming of...

You just need to identify what will make you happy, learn to honestly communicate that, and respond to your partner rather than react.

Hi, I’m Leonie de Picciotto and and I’ve been helping my clients create connected, deeply fulfilling relationships for more than 10 years.

I combine impactful coaching techniques and powerful spiritual guidance that lead to deep level change, and that will take your relationship to the next level.


If you’re tired of the same old arguments with your partner, which go nowhere, and you’ve been settling for the way things are. Or you know your love relationship is capable of being more fulfilling but you don’t know how to get it there.

And you're ready for actionable coaching, spiritual guidance, accountability and unbiased support so you can get to the bottom of your patterns (and change them), I would love to help you take your love life to the next level.


CLARIFY~ Learn simple communication strategies to develop a deeper connection with your partner.

CONNECT~ Transform your relationship dynamics from frustrating to loving and fulfilling.

CREATE ~ Shift from old ‘triggers’ to choosing your responses and creating productive conversations.


Whether you're trying to deepen the relationship you're in, or struggling to move on from a relationship you aren't happy with, I can help you.


Together, we identify your relationship hot spots, shift your relationship dynamics, and integrate what you learn on our calls into your daily life during this 3-month package.

• Telephone coaching sessions with me every two weeks

• Text and email access to me between calls to stay focused on what’s most important to you, and ensure that you keep moving forward

• Practices, techniques and tools to support what you discover

• BONUS: Spirit Guide Reading - spiritual guidance on your behalf to integrate with your coaching insights and support your relationship transformation.


Receive help from the Spirit Guides in creating the relationship you really want. A Reading is in two sessions. In the first one, we determine and refine your questions for the Spirit Guides. In the second, we process the guidance provided and determine actions and rituals to take into your daily life.

In between the two, I journey in the shamanic tradition to my Spirit Guides on your behalf.

• Two telephone sessions with me.

• A description of my shamanic journey to the Spirit Guides emailed to you.

• Practices, techniques and tools to support the guidance from the Spirit Guides.

Let’s get to the heart of your relationship challenges. We’ll identify what you need to be happy, and how you can create the passionate, fulfilling love relationship you want.

~Silvia G.

"I was terribly unhappy in my marriage. With Leonie, I learned that I could strip my feelings of the stories I created around them, objectively assess any situation with perspective and fairness, and make decisions based on my needs, desires and intuition.

I also learned that I have the right to take my time, change my mind, follow my heart, and speak with honesty and vulnerability. Thank you, Leonie!"

Copyright © 2022 Leonie de Picciotto